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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Big Screen TV:
Sony Rear Projection



New User

Dec 27, 2004, 8:55 PM

Post #1 of 4 (5552 views)
Sony Rear Projection Can't Post

My Sony rear screen projection TV has developed a problem I feel may be associated with convergence. After aprox. 5 minutes of on time, a yellow and blue shadow, or ghosting band, appears around images, mostly visable on the right side of the screen. This still remains when I kill all the color. When going thru the convergence sequence with the remote, the convergence can be set, however, there appears a yellow extension on each side of the horizontal band of the convergence cross. Has anyone else experienced this problem, and is it worth repairing? Thanks, Leo


Feb 4, 2005, 10:09 PM

Post #2 of 4 (5487 views)
Re: [leogoff] Sony Rear Projection [In reply to] Can't Post

Could be one of two problems but with out a model number a little dificult to give a good anwser, convergance is however the number one fail in big screen projection sets, if you can find a DVD at a local place like Radio Shack that has what is known as a cross hatch pattern this will show lines both horizontal and vertical lines all across the screen where you will beable to see convergance problems right away
Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.

New User

Feb 5, 2005, 4:09 PM

Post #3 of 4 (5481 views)
Re: [mikemaiertv] Sony Rear Projection [In reply to] Can't Post

Mike, Thank you for the reply. The model # is KP-53V15, Sony, SN 9013575. Build date 12/94. An update, the problem is intermittant. The problem went away for a while, and will re-appear intermittantly. This leads me to believe a temp. sensitive problem. Can you make any suggestions? Thanks for your help, Leo

New User

Dec 9, 2005, 7:23 PM

Post #4 of 4 (4525 views)
Re: [mikemaiertv] Sony Rear Projection [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi Mike:
I have an Apex GB43HD10 rear Projection TV and it shows the image in a bow sort of shape. When I play a DVD it plays the audio and I can make up the image from the movie but the image is very narrow. It seems as the aperture of the colors needs to be adjusted. All colors are sharp. Would you give me some advice as how I could adjust it? It is imposssible to see the setup manue on the screen as the image is about 4 inches wide! Thanks for your help!

PS any advice as what would be the safest and best way to handle and discharge high voltage from connectors to high voltage coils please?


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