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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: HD TV Forum:
Olevia 327v



New User

May 31, 2007, 12:16 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1699 views)
Olevia 327v Can't Post

I have been looking into buying a new tv for my room and I have noticed Olevia as being a good price. I was looking into the 327v and I was hoping someone could clarify a few things for me.
In the specs it says that there is no audio output. Does this mean that there are no speakers or is it that there is no way to setup surround sound with the tv, or is it something else?
It also said that the video processor was PixelWorks DNX Technology, but the higher priced models had ATI Xilleon Technology. Will the quality of the picture suffer much from this kind of video processor or will it not matter much?


May 31, 2007, 4:47 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1690 views)
Re: [Scheff] Olevia 327v [In reply to] Can't Post

The monitor with Pixelworks DNX Technology is somewhat referring a display like enhanced Motion-Adaptive De-Interlacing ,PixelBoost ,Rich Color Processing,Video Enhancement Processing,Noise Reduction and Digital Deflection Control which is traditional solutions that require two to four chips process. On the other hand, ATI Xilleon Technology is more revolutionary cause it does it all in one chip which saves Power and cost and most of all> speed. But monitors with ATI Xilleon technology is an infinite digital tv dedicated in that category.
Your question:"Will the quality of the picture suffer much from this kind of video processor or will it not matter much? > Not really simply bec. OLEVIA is generic brand to begin with. If you are looking for budget LCD with quality hidden behind the generic re-badge called SCEPTRE?. These monitors are originally from SONY that has one or two pixel failure after the assembly. ( it's not noticeable at a distant viewing area) except up close. Sony remote control works on this monitors as well, despite the name.

made in japan


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