New User
Jun 25, 2014, 11:02 PM
Post #3 of 15
Ok , thanks JTS. This is a Samsung monitor SyncMaster 2233 that shows frozen video of a moving image by just a second, and then goes dim. So I can see just a frame by a second, when i watch a movie for instance, then the screen stays white, but image fades away and don’t return. When i turn monitor off, and then on again, or if I change PC video output, from internal to external , get the same effect .A frame that last a bit, and fades.Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZGTuNltrnA I cleaned up a cockroaches nest over the main board ,that was a lil rusty. Power supply voltages, are ok and without ripple .X-tal is oscillating at 12mhz. Is it possible, by connecting my scope to the main board output that goes to de LCD flexible wire, to confirm if is the LCD panel, or the main board the part at fault?