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Jul 1, 2011, 8:44 PM
Post #1 of 2
Samsung LE-32R41B Fault
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Hi I have a fault with the TV in the title, I bought the set with a flickering fault where the menus would just flicker like mad all over the screen, I stripped it down and checked if any capacitors were starting to show signs, I checked the power board capacitors (I read that a duff capacitor in the power board could cause this) to be honest they all seemed OK, I checked the capacitors in the inverter board too, no problems there either. I then checked the set again, and god knows what I have touched but the fault has gone, the only trouble I am now having is that when you select EXT1 the blue screen seems bright and crisp, No dark spots or any problems, very bright like my own TV, but if I turn over to a TV channel it is like I am pressing the brightness button on the remote as the screen dulls down a couple of steps, then stops, the picture is watchable, it just seems that the TV is trying to Automatically alter the brightness but getting it wrong. ANy ideas what this could be, is this normal, I would try and get into the settings but the remote wasnt supplied with the TV it is being posted out to me in a couple of days. Thanks in advace for any help