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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Plasma TV Forum:
Enlighten Me!



New User

Jan 5, 2006, 7:37 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1583 views)
Enlighten Me! Can't Post

Greetings everyone. I stumbled across this group by accident and have spent some time reading through the various topics, trying to "bone up" on my Plasma knowledge.

Here's my situation.

We are building a new house and will be in in mid-March. We have the pre-wire in place for a great HT set-up, and have room for a wall mount above the fireplace for a 42-43" screen. I'm just starting to look at sets now,but admitedly have very little knowledge on the specifics I should be looking for or asking about. I absolutely LOVE Pioneer products, so I've been naturally leaning towards those sets. Price range can be anywhere from $2500-4000 (despite what the wife may say).

Basically I'm looking for input from you folks in the know as to what I should be asking, or looking for in a set. We'll probably end up with digital cable as well, since their pricing is competitive with Satellite in our area. Of course, if I haven't given you enough to go on with this info just lt me know what else you need to know.

Thanks in advance for any help/insight you all can provide. I'm excited to begin this process but recognize that this is NOT a purchase to rush out and buy on emotions!


Jan 6, 2006, 2:43 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1575 views)
Re: [indianajdp] Enlighten Me! [In reply to] Can't Post

Trust me I will enlighten you, Speaking of SITUATION " I am conflicted with the situation When wife has to have a final say Crazy. I truly beleive this isn't their area or department of decisions, when we (men) have nothing to do what type of fabric should be hang in the window. Fair?. You just make sure she won't come to encounter that bill or should you have enough left equal to what she may become to ask you perhaps changing her mind about the washer/dryer, contemporary furniture maybe?.

One sure tip when you go shopping? do not bring her with you! Sly Cause you will end up saying just a courtesy of " what do you think honey?" and she would say " It's kinda expensive!..Trust me! if these are the language you both started?..Bye bye PIONEER!.

Anyhow! about the brand? They didn't call it PIONEER for nothing. Their offerrings now is just as good as the major corporations unlike their beginning. GO FOR IT!.


made in japan


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