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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Plasma TV Forum:
Post Goodmans Plasma



New User

Feb 15, 2005, 9:24 AM

Post #1 of 5 (2747 views)
Post Goodmans Plasma Can't Post

Well I've booked Argos to come and take back the Goodmans so started this thread for thoughts on what next. I've mailed AV-Sales wrt the Panasonic offers they have - will post back any reply I get

Tivo, Marantz AV Amp, Windows MCE, Pioneer DVD, SKY, Neuston MC500, XBox

New User

Mar 27, 2005, 2:59 PM

Post #2 of 5 (2673 views)
Re: [andymac] Post Goodmans Plasma [In reply to] Can't Post

After having an engineer out to replace a faulty video board on my GTV42P4 I got curious.

I'm a qualified electrical engineer so I had a look inside, I don't recommend anyone else doing this, for a start it'll probably void your warranty if you're not qualified to maintain and it might just anyway.

The ariel internal wiring passed right over the scart connector wiring internally. It's a right angle connector, adjusting this cable so it goes no where near the scart connections causes a vast improvement in the picture quality on scart.

Many of the power connections were passing over sensitive analogue video components. After moving the internal cabling around to avoid internal noise another picture quality improvement was seen.

On my particular set and colour purity test revealed that the green channel was about 20% weaker than red and blue which were fairly well matched. This causes banding in static images in particular a dirty green looking grey scale. There are individual channel adjustments in the factory mode menu but they don't work correctly (yes, GTV42P4 has a factory mode menu). Fixing this would result in an awesome picture quality.

Basically, this is similar to any other plasma screen. A bit of calibration makes a world of difference. It can be achieved with the P4.

P.S. Standard definition cable looks terrible because the source is rubbish. Square noise is MPEG macro cells being revealed, the fuzz around rounded edges and text is DCT noise. The fix is higher bit rates/better compressers. Roll on HDTV!

New User

Mar 27, 2005, 6:30 PM

Post #3 of 5 (2671 views)
Re: [johngla] Post Goodmans Plasma [In reply to] Can't Post

Forgot about this post as I've been having so much fun watching my plasma... I gave in and bought a Panasonic. I know what you mean about calibration - even the panasonic wasn;t brilliant on delivery (but still better than the goodmans as it was 'watchable'). I set it up using a standard calibration disk and the difference was amazing - even just watching DVD thru RGB scart.

I guess the reasin they could do the Goodmans so cheap was that they scrimped on the bits that would consume time (i.e. routing the cabling and checking the output leves) - but in the end they must have lost lots of sales due to it.

At the moment I'm not missing HD as what I have is fantastic!

Tivo, Marantz AV Amp, Windows MCE, Pioneer DVD, SKY, Neuston MC500, XBox


Mar 30, 2005, 11:12 AM

Post #4 of 5 (2654 views)
Re: [andymac] Post Goodmans Plasma [In reply to] Can't Post

First time I've been on for a while Andy. Overall I've been more than happy with my Panny, despite spending the extra. I needed sound also, so I bought a Yamaha surround amp system, and have since bought a Harmony 655 remote (bought off ebay just before Dixons lopped 30 quid off, doh!!) , as the missus was getting cheesed off with using 4 remotes for SKY, AMP, DVD, and tuner box. I really don't think I could have coped with any more Goodmans exchanges. I'm still in Cinema mode, haven't tweaked any settings, as I'm struggling to get into the appropriate setup menu to see how many hours I've had it on. The appropriate combination of buttons doesn't seem to work for me. Only picture quality issues I believe are down to SKY. The one gripe I have, is when I first turn it on, it doesn't automatically go to AV1 for my SKY, I have to press TV\AV, then Red for AV1. Any ideas



New User

Jan 22, 2006, 6:29 PM

Post #5 of 5 (1980 views)
Re: [johngla] Post Goodmans Plasma [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi do you know how toget in to th factory menu i have a goodmans xpro GTV42P5

and the picture ig good but i think it could be better.



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