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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Plasma TV Forum:
Samsung A550



New User

Oct 18, 2009, 3:49 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1308 views)
Samsung A550 Can't Post

I fairly recently purchased a 58" Samsung A550 (last year's model). I'm very happy with the picture, but I have 2 complaints. Sometimes I get a buzzing from the set that I can hear over the regular sound. If I squeeze the frame at the bottom center, the buzz changes pitch and usually goes away on the first try. I'm thinking it's the chassis resonating against an internal part (maybe the power supply). has anyone else experienced this?
The other thing is the picture format with some programs. There are black bars all the way around the picture in '16:9' and 'just scan' modes. I can get rid of the side bars and most of the top and bottom bars in 'wide fit' mode, but I have to put up with fat headed people. My manual says only 5% of weekly viewing should have black bars, but it's pretty difficult when most of the programming comes with them. Can this be rectified with settings on the TV or is it something only the broadcasters can control?


Oct 18, 2009, 5:48 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1302 views)
Re: [freakazoid] Samsung A550 [In reply to] Can't Post

the buzzing is probably a transformer resonating. you will have to take the back off and prod around with an insulated plastic stick to try to determine where the noise is coming from and seal the component . the picture format is determined by the transmission so if its in letterbox shape or 4:3 there's nothing you can do


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