Jun 16, 2007, 8:39 AM
Post #14 of 14
Re: [bendavis2] (((((Leaking coolant!!!!!! Questions))))
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I worked for a manufacturer who supplies a mask gloves and gown to those handling coolant, That my advice costs nothing but a little care, and I can give you 100% assurance that it wont harm you, is reality, can you do the same. I repeat Freon is an inert gass, may harm the Ozone layer but will not harm you. Pass ozone through a flame and you get fosgene or mustard gass. What do you create with coolant after it has been cooked and contaminated, I have no idea, and I suggest neither do you. I advise you do not give advice when you dont know the results, if you wish to take risks yourself, so be it, but to advise others to do likewise is bordering on criminal.