New User
Apr 17, 2007, 3:36 AM
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PHILIPS PTV915 50P8341
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I need the bottom 3 boards for this tv...for the Center Signal Board all of these models match up with it. 43P8341 55P8241 55P8342 60P8341 43P834199 55P824199 55P834299 60P834199 43P8341A37 55P8241A37 55P8342A37 60P8341A37 43P8341A99 55P8241A99 55P8342A99 60P8341A99 50P8341 55P8288 60P8241 60P8342 50P834199 55P828899 60P824199 60P834299 50P8341A37 55P8288A37 60P8241A37 60P8342A37 50P8341A99 55P8288A99 60P8241A99 60P8342A99 50P8342 55P8341 60P8288 64P8341 50P834299 55P834199 60P828899 64P834199 50P8342A37 55P8341A37 60P8288A37 64P8341A37 50P8342A99 55P8341A99 60P8288A99 64P8341A99 64P8342 64P834299 64P8342A37 64P8342A99 For the far right board which is PTV SSM these Models match with it too. 43P8341 50P834299 55P8342A37 60P8342A99 43P834199 50P8342A37 55P8342A99 64P8341 43P8341A37 50P8342A99 60P8341 64P834199 43P8341A99 55P8341 60P834199 64P8341A37 50P8341 55P834199 60P8341A37 64P8341A99 50P834199 55P8341A37 60P8341A99 64P8342 50P8341A37 55P8341A99 60P8342 64P834299 50P8341A99 55P8342 60P834299 64P8342A37 50P8342 55P834299 60P8342A37 64P8342A99 If anybody has any of this please let me know.