New User
Aug 29, 2007, 12:09 AM
Post #1 of 2
Phillips 50P8341
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Ok, Here Goes. I have a Philips 50P8341 that was given to me by my local Country Club. Of course it didn't work but because they know I love a good electronic challenge they said I could have it. Well when I got it home to my little "Dog House" and set it up to work on it, wouldn't you know it, it worked fine. For two months that is. Then it started doing the same thing again. It would power up ok then just start changing inputs continuously (TV, AV1, AV2 .. over and over). So I unplugged it for about a month (Other Projects) then the other day I decided to see if I could find out what was wrong with the set as football season is just around the corner. Well I plugged it up and wouldn't you know it it came on fine and had a great picture. Then came the interesting part, I powered it off and after about 5 seconds it came back on. The only way to keep the set off was to unplug it. Does this sound like the "Keyboard & IR Receiver Panel" is bad or should I be looking somewhere else? Is there any way to check this Panel? If I disconnect the front panel controls, I don't think there is any way to control the set. I have eliminated the possibility of it being the remote (took the batteries out ). I welcome any and all suggestions, comments, etc. Thanks, Mad