Jul 12, 2010, 7:01 PM
Post #2 of 12
Re: [chris_wehr] Phillips 60PP920217F
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chris_wehr;.... This is probably the best way for you to go , that is , to start your own thread.... I will try to answer all your questions as best I can.... From what you say , I'm guessing you have the manual for your TV.... Is it Philips DPTV 305 #7621 ???? BTW:...Your model # is different than shelbydogg's , but , the same manual covers both sets.........
As soon as I punch in the convergence code it knocks out the IC, TV goes off, starts chirping, and the two new resistors get hot. WHAT CODE ???? Also it says I should let the TV warm up for 20 min before adjusting. If you can do it without smoking any resistors etc , OK do it.... Question i have Ron, is the manual says I should use a NTSC signal before adjusting the convergence for 480p. I do not have this signal generator. This refers to page 43 of my manual.... IF you want to buy a VERY expensive "NTSC" signal generator , go ahead & do it....Most people I know just use the "over the air" broadcast signal... And the last question is do I need to disable the Convergence Proc. or drive before I start adjusting. I don't know where you got that from , but , to me it would be the same as turning a car engine off before you time the engine ....(Older Cars).... PS also heard that I should pull the IC's and turn on the TV and set the TV to return to factory defaults before I put in new IC's?? Is this necessary??? I don't know where you got this either , but , this makes NO sense to me to take somethimg out , then reset it..... A little of my background would help you understand where I'm coming from.... I have a lot of experience on projection TVs , but , NOT HD Projection.... Doesn't mean I can't try to help you...... My 1st suggestion would be to switch the convergence ICs & see if the same resistors are running hot.... IF they are , then switch the yokes... The connectors are the same & you should have enough slack to move the wiring over to the new connector... This includes the convergence connections....(The one that made the "pop".).... If the same resistors are smoking after that , then I would suspect the "ACS" module as having a problem.... This is where I punt.... In all my experience , I never messed with any ACS problems.... My experience was limited to changing the convergence ICs & using the customer menu , converging the ICs.... Never had any other problems.... NEVER , EVER went into the "Factory/Service Menu" to do convergence.... I therefore can NOT reccommend you do.... It IS way too risky.... Please post results of the above requests.... Good Luck.......... Later....Ron.M.......... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Jul 12, 2010, 7:05 PM)