New User
Dec 18, 2005, 12:32 AM
Post #1 of 3
Samsung Convergence Problem
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Apparently this is a common problem, my HCN4226W shut off just after having convergence problem(s). Repairman came out, disconnected the power lead feeding the CG/AMP board and the tv came on with just the background screen. He said to replace the IC modules, STK392-040's $16 each, and it should fix it compared to his $270 estimate for him to do it. Replaced the IC's, no change in correcting the problem. Ordered a service manual from, $15.99, but it was very vague in the troubleshooting section. From another post that I read, I replaced the 2 caps on the board, still no help. Should I have just replaced the complete board, about $70 from or does anyone have more suggestions on what I should check?