Repair man
Aug 9, 2008, 4:46 PM
Post #8 of 10
Re: [carnut] Toshiba TW40X81 convergence
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I still say it's bad solder joints. You said ... "after leaving the set unplugged overnight and when turned on, it will slide the blue and yellow to the right a good inch, then after 15 min. of use will quickly reconverge and be great all the remainder of the day" You also said... "Tapping on the TV will affect the amount of misalignment to the right it has. Sometimes quickly shifting the blue/yellow to the left allowing me to center both the red and blue cross hairs." No amount of adjustment will correct these symptoms. Once you have the bad solder joints fixed these symptoms will stop. Then if you need to you can adjust convergence using service mode (but only if needed) Do not mess with service mode unless needed, often you can do more harm than good -- Dan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you (or anyone reading this post) have any further questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me direct; you can find my email address by clicking on my user-name. Learn Plasma TV Repair _________________ Learn LCD TV Repair
(This post was edited by Repair man on Aug 22, 2008, 5:29 PM)