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Sep 5, 2005, 3:01 AM
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dead samsung p54a
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i am working on my dead samsung p54a. originaly no power, replaced main fuse fp801s. and now i have the red standby led lit up but nothing else. since it doesnt even try to power up, i cant look at the 3 projection tubes to see if they are even trying to glow (the only way i know to check the flyback). so i am trying to trouble shoot the power supply board. i hope that is the corect road to go down first. there are 2 pink cables coming from it and silkscreened on the board are voltage ratings for several of the pins.117v 30v, 8.5v, 29v. i checked them with my meeter and found that most had higher voltage, 30v was about 68 volts, but some were way low 29v was about 4 volts. are these supposed to be just about exact? any suggestions? about voltage or testing the flyback? btw, i am aware of the dangers servicing a flyback, and large caps. so please dont be afraid to share any info. thanks very much in advance. bryan