New User
Apr 6, 2006, 12:06 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: [hartlanders] hiachi 53fdx01b
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Hi, so it looks like you found bad traces on the board, I have worked with PTS myself and I have no trust in them, not even once have they fixed any of my boards. Do it yourself I say. If you want to jump the traces I have the service manual with the schematics for $5.00 only if you would like to give it a try. STK's 392-150's are good, I have replaced many of sets with generic STK's and they work fine. Your TV originally had 392-110 in them and that's why they got replaced in the first place. 392-120, 392-150 and 392-180's are just fine. In fact, Pioneer replaces all of their 392-120's with 392-180 in their Elite line every single time. If you are interested in the service manual let me know, my e-mail is tekmenlos@yahoo.com. ...Lates...