New User
Oct 4, 2008, 3:29 PM
Post #1 of 3
mitsubishi vs 5052
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Hello to all and thanks in advance for any and all advice. To start with, yeah, I know this set is 15+ years old, but just thought I would seek the advice of others before giving up on it. I bought this set about 6 months ago and it worked fine, it would usually take about 3-5 minutes to "warm up" before the picture would come on, but the sound would come on immediately. Yesterday I went to turn it on and nothing, no sound, no picture, nothing. After the standard 3-5 minute "warm up", the channel indicator in the upper right would come on, and as I change the channel, it would indicate "stereo", and "stereo, sap" corresponding to the different channels, so something is getting through, just no picture or sound. The tubes all seem to work fine, as it still displays all convergence test, etc., and I removed the back and can see all tubes light up red, blue green. I have also ran the cable through a VCR to check the tuner, no luck. I ran it through all tv inputs, vcr1, front panel, and Ant A and B. I have removed the back panel and rooted around to look for any burned parts, bad fuses, etc., but didn't see anything convincing (except a lot of dust). I have a fair amount of electronics experience (worked on radars in the military), but have never jumped into anything like this. Any suggestions, tips, advice, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian
(This post was edited by bdwaggoner on Oct 5, 2008, 7:43 PM)