Larry E
Mar 22, 2007, 4:09 AM
Post #7 of 7
Marcus, the fact that your voltage is going up/down on pin 16 says the set is in an over current condition, you stated you replaced the smps caps, I`m going to assume you have changed, not checked C4102, C4104 and C4108 correct? If you haven`t changed all 3, do so. Next thing to try is to pull P1903, the audio plug on the stand-up board that has the audio output on it, the plug is toward the tube half way up on the front edge of the audio board, once pulled re-check pin 16 for a steady state voltage. I`ve seen the audio board cause your symptom a dozen times. Other things to check are the emitter resistor on Q4101 it has to be exact or it can cause your problem, value is .18 2 watt thats point 18 not eighteen Ohms. Pull one end of the resistor and check with a good meter, if it reads .20 or higher it must be replaced, check the above and let me know the results, ps be more specific when you say you`ve changed something, ie; "I replaced the caps" instead tell me you replaced C1xxx then theres no confusion, the 169 has lots of failures in the power suplly, some veeery odd, :) Larry E