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Aug 16, 2007, 5:21 PM
Post #2 of 5
Re: [blakhorse32] sony videoscope
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Couple things: a. I am not a professional and use this information at your own risk b. make sure to UNPLUG the tv before messing with it. Electricity can kill. We have one, too, that has been working for the past 25 years without a problem...except dirt and mice. There are five major components to the projection system: 1. Large Red, Green and Blue tubes which point at (can't clean these without taking the whole thing apart) 2. Three large lenses (you can clean the fronts of these, but use a VERY light touch as moving them will change the focus) 3. Secondary mirror - the 3 lenses point forward (towards the viewer) then bounce off this mirror onto the Primary mirror. Clean gently as well. 4. Primary mirror - clean carefully. We use Windex for all cleaning chores, except #5. 5. Focus/Display screen. The back side of the screen can get dusty. CLEANING You will need: Phillips head screwdriver, Q Tips, Windex (or distilled water and ammonia), couple cans of electronics air duster (note, use ONLY ones for electronics or optics - others will leave residue), some lint free rags, a roll or two oh HIGH QUALITY paper towels (cheaper ones are scratchier), vacuum cleaner with hose. PROCEDURE Very important note: if you have years of dirt it can act as an abrasive, so use PLENTY of fresh towels and spray often until things are getting pretty clean, then you can start using less. The silver rim that surrounds the display pops off. Pull it off carefully with your fingers. DONT USE A SCREWDRIVER. Place the screen carefully somewhere. DO NOT LIE FLAT! Now you can see every surface that needs to be cleaned. Get your vaccum cleaner hose and vacuum obvious spots, the with the vaccum still running, use the canned sprays. When dust kicks up move the vaccum hose around. A good technique is to hold the hose near the nozzle of the canned duster and dust lightly while vaccuming. There's a lot of dust in the air right now and some of it you just won't be able to clean up. Take a 10 minute break to let it settle. When you get back to work start from the top down (work backwards in order above: 4,3 & 2 -- 5 will be cleaned last and 1 you can't clean) Remember: spray then wipe, spray then wipe. Don't try and clean all at once or you will just push dirt around and scratch the surfaces. I would do the whole cleaning step in three phases: get most of the dirt off of all surfaces, then go back and do the fine detail wor, then wait a while and come back. You will find things you missed. Once you are done make sure to let the interior dry for a while - it is an elecrtical device, after all. Take the screen and mount it BACKWARDS in the frame and clean it. Once dry flip it around and reinstall the brackets and frame. You should notice a HUGE difference in brightness and contrast. Also, make sure to re-adjust the focus beams, which are found in the front panel on the left side under another little pull off panel. You have to switch it into test mode and then using the dials make the cross appear white. Good luck!