did it ever occur to you that you are an asswipe!!! Maybe I just wanted to change the title of my posting?? maybe i was not home near my tv when I posted. You should keep your opinions to yourself if you are not going to help. YOU are the IDIOT. I don't think you would be man enough to talk so tough to my face, but if you are I would love to araange a meeting with you @$$HOLE>
It is JERKS & @$$holes like you that have NO respect for others that WILL get NO help from ANY of us....
We ALL volunteer our expertise & time to help people (EVEN @$$holes like you) with their problems...
I for one WILL NOT take abuse or insults from ANYONE INCLUDING YOU !!!!
When more info is needed , in your case , a LOT , we ask for it...
IF you wanted to change the title of your posting , just EDIT the post & NOT clutter up the forums with additional posts just because YOU made a mistake....
IF you were NOT home & near your TV , one of 2 options could be done;...
1)...You could have waited till you got home , got the model number & THEN posted your problem....
2)..When you got home you could have edited the post & added in the model number....
I do NOT meet with IDIOTS that are out of control & especially YOU when you are in severe need of heavy anger management...
A little forum decorum is needed...
You're lacking a LOT...
Have a crappy day & week...
