Repair man

Feb 18, 2009, 1:35 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: [shu7241] Sony TV model KDP-57WS655 WILL NOT TURN ON
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With your set being intermittent it may be a bad solder connection. Try lightly pressing on the main circuit board in various locations with a long insulated item (such as a wooden spoon) while turning the set on to try to locate a possible bad solder connection. Other than that the only repair I have listed in my notes for that chassis is as follows: Dead set 9 blinks -- Change capacitor C751 1000pf at 25volt surface mounted cap on bottom of the 'A' board (Sony labels their boards example 'A' board or 'M' board etc.) also change diode D6301 on 'G' board -- Dan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you (or anyone reading this post) have any further questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me direct; you can find my email address by clicking on my user-name. Learn Plasma TV Repair _________________ Learn LCD TV Repair