
Apr 12, 2011, 2:41 AM
Post #21 of 56
SORRY , richpart , but I have to reply to his s#*! again.... Gussie girl..... Why would anyone other than you do this? That's easy , they don't like YOU !!!!!.... There is no way you could have any friends the way you treat people on this forum. You are the one attracting enemies , NOT me... How many friends do you have here OR anywhere else ???? Bet you can count them on ONE thumb.... Also,why would you be responding to these posts anyway? I replied to your acusations , again FALSE !!!!...(ONE POST !!!).... if it's not you,then,the person who is doing this PM me their name and phone number and I WILL CALL YOU...if you have an issue with me we can meet and discuss it face to face. You got the IQ of a grape !!!... Do you REALLY think that someone who is posting against you is dumb enough to give YOU their phone number ???? Especially after they've seen how you treat me... EL STUPIDO GIGANTE , you are GIANT IDIOT !!!!... Some challange that is , phony as a 3 dollar bill or gussie girl... Care to try this one ???? 1-800-555-5555 , see what that gets you.... Now that I'm done with that silly s#*! , answer this RACIST:=>... EDITED ;... Added info from another thread;=>... Now for my question that you continuously are avoiding & sidetracking... You , sir , are apparently a bigot !!!! "You can tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much." Now there's this;=>... i'm not into fatties What if I told you I was a "fat black" man ???? End of Edit... Back to the original question... OK , you thin skinned New Yorker with a s#*! for brains attitude , here ya go... In case you hadn't noticed , I'm picking the commentary diatribe you spout to reply to... I'm not going to waste my time nitpicking every nuance you spit out of that anus looking thing you call your mouth... The first thing I will tell you is that I do NOT have a racist bone or hair in or on my body... ANYONE who thinks that , like you , is seriously mentally flawed... Did you "rescue" her from the cotton fields or the tobacco farms ??? You want to make a big deal out of a silly comment , your choice... I will explain my statement to you WHEN you answer for this;=>... Believe me,you hillbillies have nothing on the cretins you find up here... & I am not knocking Southerners,I am knocking Hillbillies Then I said;=>... In case you are NOT aware , Hillbillies ARE Southerners !!!! Ever meet one BORN in Michigan OR your state , New York !!!! Now , Gussie girl , I actually spent some TIME living in the south...(PROVEABLE , BTW..) Southerners are the NICEST , WARMEST , FRIENDLYEST , MOST HELPFUL people you'd EVER want to meet & have as friends... You don't know what you're missing... I could be wrong , but , isn't "hillbillies" a racist slur ???? Kinda like the "n" word ??? How do you know I AM NOT BLACK? OR MY WIFE? I don't know & couldn't CARE LESS .....Ron.M...... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician