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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
About Zenith Convergence...



New User

May 6, 2005, 12:19 AM

Post #1 of 1 (1145 views)
About Zenith Convergence... Can't Post


I found this post, but I can't make it work:

Quote"...Besides the "service menu" which I had gone into a few times (not finding anything to help my problem) I discovered that there is also a convergence service menu. Hold down menu until it disapears, then press 9999 and then enter. Flashback, Mute, and To Do (CC on newer remotes) buttons switch between Green, Blue, and Red. By pressing the botton for the color again it returns you back to white. Numbers 1 through 0 are your options (for each color). After a couple of hours I had the set looking probably 95% of its potential. The red was out of skew and pincusioned, the whole picture was out of skew and had keystoning problems, etc, etc. I'll continue to tweak it some more but even as it is I'm verry happy. I'm sure the TV guy knew from our talk that you could just go into the factory convergence menu and fix the problem without any parts, but he was trying to milk me for anything he could get. I'm writing this in case someone ends up with a late 90's model Zenith PV..... whatever Projection TV and has serious convergence problems that are not fixed by the simple right and left motions of the "Projo Setup" from the main menu. (If you do this procedure, take the time to write down ALL of your current settings because you can seriously fudge up your display with this menu) Maybe you'll find this post quicker than it took me to dig for info. Good luck"

My problem is, after enter the 9999, I get :

'Geometry DC'

and not the convergence squares...

Any Idea ?

(This post was edited by morfin on May 6, 2005, 12:21 AM)


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