New User
Dec 7, 2005, 3:10 AM
Post #1 of 4
Another flyback question
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I picked up an RCA F32649 for free, and when I tried to plug it in, was greeted with a black screen and quite a light show. I opened it up today, and noticed there was a part (Inductor? I dunno, it looks like a stonehenge monument) to the left of the flyback that was touching a couple diodes, or resistors, or whatever they are. I straightened it out, and the tv turned on. Picture was great and everything seemed good at first. Then it started making clicking sounds, and would arc once every 5-15min... On the flyback there's are dark spot where I think the flyback arced to something else. Now I'm wondering (Based on this [url=http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/flytest.htm#flywda]site), since there's external arcing, can I just patch up the hole with the epoxy mentioned in the previous posts? Or does the clicking indicate some kind of internal short that requires replacement? I suppose my question is, do the small clicks w/o visible arcing indicate something is wrong internally, or can they happen externally too? Thanks a bunch!