Dec 20, 2006, 4:37 AM
Post #1 of 3
Background Suttle Noise
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Have a Westinghouse TV. One of those cheap 19 inch jobs and it has a suttle mid to low frequency background noise that comes through audio when you turn the volume off you can still hear it coming out of the speaker. But also when I disconnect the speaker you can still hear it out the top back vents. Like a vibration. The best way I can describe it is like a quiet DC motor with plastic gears. Kind of like a low drone VERY faint and steady I notice the frequency come up slightly when I plug the antenna in from the VHS. It is not very loud and even the audio drounds it out OK but of course I hone in on it because I am like that with gear and once I detect it I can;t stop listening for it low in the mix. I would guess it is inducing into the audio but may not be a bad audio section because like I said when I disconnect the speaker you can hear somthing mechanical like a low motor or vibrating sound that is really dronish. Any ideas? Can this be fixed?