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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Black screen, Sound ??



New User

Jul 13, 2014, 10:23 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1235 views)
Black screen, Sound ?? Can't Post

Hey guys I have been looking around the internet for information about my problem but have not come across the problem I have exactly, I have read very similar. So I am hoping someone could shine a light on my situation.

I have a JVC tv, not 100% of the model right now as it's wall mounted and will require me to take it off to take a look at that but if needed I will get hold of it.

So yesterday the tv was all good and working fine, it was switched off the same way it always has been for the last year we have owned it. But this morning upon switching it on to put cartoons on for my little boy within 30 seconds the screen went black, but I still had sound (from tv speaker and also from surround sound if I change the audio output).

• I have my Sky+HD box plugged in via HD port,
• I have a Samsung HD DVD surround sound Kit plugged into another HD port
• I have an Xbox 360 plugged in via HD port
• I use a USB HDD plugged into the USB port for personal use.

So after my research I did the test to check back light etc by holding a torch to the screen once it goes dark in a dark room and I "CAN" see the screen really faint that is ment to be there telling me the screen itself etc are all working ok.

So my situation differs from others as when using:
DVD player, xbox or sky it goes black after 10 - 20 seconds, if I press a button on the tv remote (any button) it comes back and I carry on watching...for another 20seconds. And this over and over.

Yet if I put my USB hdd in and watch a video or view my photo gallery it can leave it on for hours and it won't go black once?

I swapped all port and HD cables, tried 2 brand new cables, tried one device in at a time, reset all my tv settings, checked settings on DVD player and sky box to make sure all correct etc.

I thought it was maybe my converter as I have read online but if that was the case how come as soon as I push a button on my remote it all works fine for a little while? And if it was completely broke how come it last hours via USB but goes off on any HD port out of the 4 available?

Much appreciated if you have taken the time to read my essay but I feel I had to describe everything to the best I could to try and get some advice. Thank you


(This post was edited by Screech1989 on Jul 14, 2014, 9:35 AM)

New User

Jul 14, 2014, 7:43 AM

Post #2 of 3 (1221 views)
Re: [Screech1989] Black screen, Sound ?? [In reply to] Can't Post

Samsung tv's usually have an energy saving feature and one of the options is "picture off". This may help -

(This post was edited by ixxbigdxxi on Jul 14, 2014, 7:45 AM)

New User

Jul 14, 2014, 9:38 AM

Post #3 of 3 (1216 views)
Re: [ixxbigdxxi] Black screen, Sound ?? [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi there thank you for your reply, I check all settings and my energy saving modes are all switched and I still have the problem.

The stupidest thing I have done is I looked up and seen samsung and labeled the tv as that when it's a JVC oops, as I was looking at the power bar from the surround! Sorry guys, the tv is a JVC


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