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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Blaupunkt tv stuck on blue LED



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Jul 24, 2024, 12:55 PM

Post #1 of 1 (224 views)
Blaupunkt tv stuck on blue LED Can't Post

What causes Blaupunkt tv to be stuck on blue LED

Can anyone advise? We have a 5 year plus flat screen Blaupunkt tv - when switching on from red LED to Blue LED - using either the button on the side of the tv or the remote control - the tv will then take several hours to come on - sometimes within 5-10 minutes, and sometimes a day or so.

Once on, the tv picture and sound works fine.

We have tried unplugging and leaving off for a day but it made no difference.

Is it possible that a software update could fix this?
We could update via USb as we don't have a connected aeriel - as we watch on the screen via a cable connected to a computer.

Or is it more likely to be a hardware problem?

A second question - we can leave the tv on with the 'casting' screensaver images that rotate - but is it safe to leave the tv on 24/7?


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