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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Blue Screen



New User

Mar 10, 2005, 2:00 AM

Post #1 of 11 (7879 views)
Blue Screen Can't Post

My Toshiba CX35C60 started getting a blue screen. Menus would work and I would see a weak signal but the screen was mostly blue with some lines.

I pulled off the back to see if any solder problems could be seen and saw nothing that stood out. So I vacuumed the dust and put the cover back on and it started had the same problem then changed to have no red color. So now I have fairly good signal but no red being displayed.

Any ideas what I can do next? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Mar 10, 2005, 4:38 PM

Post #2 of 11 (7871 views)
Re: [gs2] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

make sure module on back of picture tube is plugged in good

New User

Mar 10, 2005, 10:49 PM

Post #3 of 11 (7866 views)
Re: [shadetree] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks, this was one of the things I did while cleaning up the dust and inspecting the solder connections. Should I use dielectric grease on this connection between the tub and this module? I did not do this, however thought about it.

Even more intersecting, I shut the TV down for ½ hour and started it back up and the problems when away. I ran it for 2 hours and saw no problems. Also the color red has reappeared and the TV has degauss itself while shutdown. So the Blue Screen with lines seems too gone away, the red color has come back, and the red colors on the edge of the screen are gone. Even the spot where my kid put a magnet up to the TV seems better.

Hopefully this lasts, I whet and looked at a LCD/DLP 50 inch TV which has an awesome picture in HD mode, but with normal mode Direct TV single the picture was terrible. When 99% of your channels are not HD, it sucks that this new TV has a worse picture than my existing 12 year old TV. I guess this is what happens when you scale up a bad picture from 35 to 50 inches, it just magnifies the bad picture quality.

New User

Mar 11, 2005, 3:47 PM

Post #4 of 11 (7855 views)
Re: [gs2] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

The TV still as the original problem. This morning it when into blue screen mode. I don’t think it’s a tuner issue since I still have sound and can see a faint signal. If I turn the TV off and on 50% of the time the problem goes away for awhile. Any advice would be appreciated on what I can do to solve this problem.


Mar 11, 2005, 10:01 PM

Post #5 of 11 (7848 views)
Re: [gs2] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

It sounds like you have an intermittent internal short in the CRT. Tap the neck of the CRT and see if the problem occurs. If so. you can remedy this by completely isolating the CRT pins 9 and 10 on the CRT board, wrap two turns of fairly small guage wire oround the flyback core and attach the ends to pins 9 and 10 on the CRT board. You might also want to check out for an opportunity to earn a free replacement for this set with a little effort on your part.

New User

Mar 23, 2005, 1:30 AM

Post #6 of 11 (7811 views)
Re: [mel] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Mel, thanks for the information. I would like to try your suggestion but I do not see pins 9 and 10 on the CRT board. Their are pins G1, KG, G2, KR, H, H, KB, and two pins without numbers that connect together through a resistor and this goes to a external connector which then connects to a strap that seems to go around the CRT tub. Their are three wires that go from the CRT PCB to the tub connecting to this strap. The two black wires connect together on the strap center and the brown wire connects to this same metal strap about 8 inches away.

My guess is you want me to connect these two pins together off the CRT board with a wire that wraps around the flyback transformer. Does this sound correct? PB3237-2 is the PCB CRT Toshiba number if this helps.

Again, thanks everyone who has provided information. It would be so great if I could get this TV working.


Mar 23, 2005, 3:09 AM

Post #7 of 11 (7807 views)
Re: [gs2] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

H1 and H2 are pins 9 and 10. I don't have the schematic in front of me right now but I believe that pin 9 is connected to the circuit board ground and pin 9 is protected by a fusible resistor R902. You need to open the printed circuit to ground (use a sharp object and just cut across it until there is no contact) and just remove R902 from the board. Then just connect the lose ends of the wire wrap the pins marked H.

New User

Aug 8, 2008, 5:12 AM

Post #8 of 11 (6582 views)
Re: [mel] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi everyone,
I also have a same problem. My TV model is Samsung HCM4215W and 5 years old. Two years ago, it had a problem of convergence and I change two convergence's IC STK-392-010), then convergence had resolved after I made to change two these IC.
Recently, It happens a new problem, the display sometime happens blue with some white horizone line and I can feel ozone smell. I turned TV off immediatelly. Then I had opened the TV's back cover and detected the circuit which placed behind blue-CRT (PCB-CRT, Part Number AA41-00600E) had a problem. There are a capacitor (10mF/250V) which is on this board had been leaked fluid. I had changed a new capacitor (10mF/400V). After making this change, TV worked very good but in a few hours only. Then the problem had happened again.
I had changed this capacitor for 5 times but I can't resolve this problem.
I have visited Samsung's parts's website to hope finding a new PCB-CRT (AA41-00600E) the change. Unfortunetly, The Samsung replied this part is no longer available. (please see here)
Does anyone have any suggests to help me to resolve this problem? I really appriciate so much!
Please see Problem picture
Upside of PCB-CRT (Part Number AA41-00600E)
Downside of of PCB-CRT (Part Number AA41-00600E)


Aug 8, 2008, 10:34 AM

Post #9 of 11 (6574 views)
Re: [mel] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Please do not do this. This is the cure for a cathode heater short and its very doubtful if this is your issue. Get a multi meter, they can be as cheap as $20 and check the voltage on R G and B on the tube pins that should be over 100V DC, if one is low, switch off, pull the tube base off the pins and try again. If you get the same result leave the tube alone, modifications you are getting are from people who know a little and think that what solves one solves all. I use that on Sony, In a TV career over 40 years I have never needed it on another brand. Blue screen is usually blue mute where the set has no signal and goes to blue. I would suspect joint issues around your jungle chip but not tube issues.

New User

Aug 8, 2008, 12:02 PM

Post #10 of 11 (6572 views)
Re: [rrobor] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

I want to know why the capacitor (10mF/400V) was blow up and leaked fluid? After I removed leaked capacitor, cleaned CRT board and fix a new capacitor TV worked perfectly. However, it only work perfectly for a few hours. The blue color disappear, I checked PCB-CRT and detected the new capacitor I just change leaked fluid. I changed this capacitor for five times but I received same a result.
When the capacitor was leaked, a llitle fluid spreaded on CRT board, I think that this is reason caused the blue color's problem. I don't resolve original reason yet. I think original reason caused the capacitor was blow and leaked.
Any idea for help.

New User

Aug 20, 2008, 7:42 AM

Post #11 of 11 (5890 views)
Re: [jasonbaby] Blue Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi everyone,
I have detected the coolant from by CRT is leaking on CRT circuit board, this lead to the the blue screen's problem. Blue CRT is leaking fluid on the CRT circuit board. Coolant fluid filler rubber seal is leaking. Does Samsung has a replacement part or a repair kit?
I have buy a new coolant rubber seal (spacer cap, Part# BP60-00050A) for fixing. Unfortunely, the new one is suitable with original one which was torn (the new rubber seal I have bought is bigger the original one).
Does any have any ideas for help?


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