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Jan 21, 2010, 6:06 PM
Post #1 of 2
CRT Fluid Leak!
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I have a 60" Philips Magnavox. When I got home from work yesterday my wife and son said they were watching the tv and the picture just went blank. When they tried to turn it back on it displayed multiple colors and then went blank again. I removed the screen and back of the television only to find crt fluid had leaked onto on of the boards. I wiped up all of the fluid and go rid of the leak. When I turned it on the green gun came on, but not blue or red. I tried cleaning the board a little better and then the green wouldnt come on either. There are no burns or discoloration on the top of the board and it has been dried of all crt fluid. Can anyone help ? the base of the television has two very large boards. The board on the right has capacitors on it. The board on the left (the one that was leaked on) appears to have resistors on it. Do I need to remove the entire board and check the bottom? Help Please!!!