
Mar 27, 2011, 6:36 PM
Post #5 of 8
Re: [chipset] CT32D11CE Panasonic
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chipset;.... NO. This is a different set. I got the 27 inch fixed last month. You wouldn't be fibbin me would you ???? From here posted on Jan,24,2011; http://www.tv-forums.com/...cgi?post=93818#93818 I get;... Panasonic 32" mod-- CT32D11CE chassis # EP341 April 2001 in the 1st post ^^^.... And HERE in THIS thread in your 1st post it says; CT32D11CE.... Sure looks like the SAME set to me !!!! Added to that , The only thing that was changed or touched was a new HOT 2SC5339 and two 220 caps in the Z board. From your 1st post here ^^^ which was EXACTLY what you were working on with the other thread !!! ALSO;... The set is 9 years old and hoping to fix it. SAME as the other thread !!! Either I'm drunk or had a stroke , but that looks like a duck , walks like a duck & quacks like a duck , so it's a dam duck !!!! SO this set IS the SAME one , RIGHT ??? I was born at night ,but, NOT LAST night !!! Care to clarify that ???? BTW;... R760 has NOT been determined bad yet that I can see.... jts1957 suggested you "check" it... You did not post results.... Later...Ron.M... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician