
Nov 25, 2008, 5:23 PM
Post #2 of 5
Re: [boards] Can't find parts?
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This is where a great deal of experience comes in handy. For over 25 years we have been servicing these sets and when a CRT (what you are calling a lamp ) leaks coolant on a main board while the set is plugged in many and I do mean many things go wrong real fast. This coolant is conductive and shorts out many components, these in turn destroy other supporting components. IT SEEPS UNDER iC'S AND HIDES ONLY TO DESTROY THEM AGAIN Then if you manage to clean all this off after it has been soaking awhile it turns the ENTIRE board into a resistor, this will destroy voltages that will destroy the board. So if you had a leak and let it sit awhile you can spend well over $600.00 in parts only to have it go out again After searching some sites I see that several items are NLA or No Longer Available Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.