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Jul 22, 2006, 9:26 AM
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Colour problem
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I have recently bought a Sanyo CE28FWN6-B 28inch widescreen TV http://www.sanyo.co.uk/...mp;matnum=CE28FWN6-B In my opinion it has a colour problem. The skin tones are very unlifelike. Peoples faces look either pink or orange with no subtlety at all. Light on the faces looks a very harsh white. There is no gradation between the colours on the faces at all. Everyone looks like they are really heavily made up. I have had an engineer look at it (literally just look!) and his diagnosis was that, "that's what you get for buying a cheap TV" and "they broadcast anything these days". Very helpful. I insisted on a replacement, which I got and that has the same problem. I have changed the cable box from composite to RGB, fiddled with the brightness, contrast and colour, changed the SCART connectors, used the "Dynamic Skin Tone" setting (no change at all), changed the settings on the DVD player even run a bars generator into it (the red isn't really a true red). I have worked in TV as an editor for a number of years now and look at broadcast images all day long so I know what colour on a TV should look like and the Sanyo doesn't have it. Any ideas what the problem may be? I can't believe that Sanyo would release a product this bad. Maybe a batch problem? The prvious TV we had was a "cheapie" and we didn't have any problem. It would be nice to have an idea of what the issue might be before I take this further. Many thanks in advance.