New User
May 21, 2005, 2:25 AM
Post #6 of 6
First off guys, sorry about the caps. As far as the tv, i'll try that this weekend. Can you pick up the transistors at Radio Shack, or it that something i have to order? Also i have another sanyo tv, a 27", that gave us problems up until the other day when it died. I'm at work now and do not have the model number with me. I will post it tomorrow if it is needed. During viewing, usuallly it seemed when the tv was first turned on for about 10, 15 ,or 20 minutes, the picture would tend to go towards the middle of the screen with a bold line down the center causing the picture to distort. It would correct itself then within a couple of minutes do it again. It might do it once or maybe 3 or 4 times. On some occasions instead of correcting itself it would turn off. You could turn it back on, but the screen might do the same thing. At times it would continue to work afterwards for several hours. But the other day it did 3 times very close together and would not come back on after the 3rd time. I haven't had it apart, so I dont' know wht might be blown or damaged. I figured if i had to get the 27" or 31" fixed, i would rather have the 31." Thanks for all of your help so far. Maybe with everyones knowledge and my limited tv experience i can get them fixed. I enjoy trying to fix different things myself anyway.