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Feb 12, 2014, 4:46 PM
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Element hdtv issues
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I bought a 42" element electronics hdtv 2 christmas's ago. It recently has been having issues. When I turn on the tv and try to watch hd channels, it will continuously flash between the picture and a blue screen that says "no signal". It changes back and forth every second or two. This will continue for about 30-40 minutes than will go away, not completely but able to watch the tv, (probably once in an hour it happens). The longer the tv goes without being used, the worse and longer it gets, but if the tv has been watched for a few hours than turned off for an hour and turned back on, it will only do it for a couple minutes before it stops. This had been going on for a few months now and has gotten progressively worse. I recently discovered that if I watch non hd channels or on demand or even if I just sit there with the guide on, it doesn't do it at all. Only occurs when watching hd channels. My dad works for comcast so we got a new box and hdmi cables with no results. So we eliminated everything outside the tv itself. I don't know much about tv's but have been told it could possibly be the tuner?? Is there a separate tuner for hd and non hd channels? If this is the issue how difficult is it to replace? My dad has an electrician background and I'm pretty handy also so I'm hoping its something we could tackle ourselves. Only other thing worth mentioning which I don't even know if its related to the issue or not. I noticed when the picture comes back on, in the box that shows the source (hdmi 1, hdmi 2 etc) it shows the hd channels are running through 720p and the non hd channels are running through 480i. Before anything started going Wack with it, it ran on the normal 1080p. Any help is much appreciated and sorry for the long ass post.