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Jan 3, 2012, 12:23 AM
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Emerson LC320EMX info?
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I have one these TVs, yes I understand, its a terrible TV, but that's neither here nor there, I found it in the dump, and if I can fix it, hell it's a free TV... It has two caps that are blown, one on the main board, the other on the back light inverter... my problem is that both blown caps have had the plastic covers removed, for reasons unknown, therefore I am unable to read the ratings. Now I've looked at just about every picture I can find online of these boards, and none have a clear enough image to view the ratings on the caps, so question is, can anyone here fill me on what these ratings are... The main board model # is A91F4MPW, and the back light inverter model # is A91F4F1V. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <br> Edit: I forgot to mention, these are the largest caps from each board and there both in the section labeled "HOT".
(This post was edited by breed_corona07 on Jan 3, 2012, 12:29 AM)