
Feb 2, 2006, 8:46 PM
Post #7 of 11
I have checked the circuit with an oscilloscope, and came to the conclusion that when the button is pushed, a sawtooth waveform is apparent on the base of the HOT (one click = one wave) but this stops once the clicking stops. To me this implies that the components that make the waveform are working correctly. Techchris, You mentioned the feed diode from the flyback transformer, Is this the green module with a diode symbol on it that the EHT lead goes through? This diode goes between the EHT lead and the chassis earth. this diode reads 600k ohms each way round. I removed the EHT lead to this module from the flyback and this made the flyback keep going. Is there any simple fix/bodge to make this work, or do I need to buy a new module?
(This post was edited by Wiz on Feb 2, 2006, 8:58 PM)