
Jun 7, 2010, 5:27 PM
Post #6 of 20
Re: [elkcitian] GE 46gw948 settings
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elkcitian;.... Sorry about the delay , but , for some reason , I could not upload the manuals to email them last night.... Found out why this morning.... Reason is , that the "CTC195" service manual is 29 MBs... Netzero only allows me to attach files etc up to 20 MBs... So I sent what I could.... The CTC manual has NO schematics.... IF you want it , let me know & I 'll see if I can find a way around that hurdle.... Before you do the herky-jerky (Formerly the hokey-pokey) , or cartwheels , I seriously doubt you are going to solve your problem with this manual........ I see NOTHING in there that is a "Magic Bullet"........ You might consider calling GE (RCA) & asking them for help.... I still think that you are going to find the convergence adjustments (With the crosses) hidden somewhere in the customer menu.... Let us know how you make out with this info....... GOOD LUCK...... I will be posting some of this to your thread for the benefit of the readers.... EDIT: Posted ALL of it..... PLEASE destroy (delete) my email & address after you download the manual.... Thank you.... PS;...Just noticed that I sent the wrong manual.... Will resend with the right one soon.....SORRY.... EDIT;...Sent....Check your inbox.... Later....Ron.M..... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Jun 7, 2010, 6:20 PM)