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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Gray Screen



New User

Jan 24, 2010, 9:12 PM

Post #1 of 4 (896 views)
Gray Screen Can't Post

My 3 year old Olevia LCD HDTV wont work, it just shows a gray screen or nothing at all and no sound. The remote does nothing except turn it on, not off, and the buttons on the TV don't work except to turn it on and off. What is wrong with it, can I fix it, what would parts cost, and if I can't fix it myself what would repair cost or I am I at a loss.

(This post was edited by PillsburyDB on Jan 24, 2010, 9:17 PM)


Jan 24, 2010, 9:50 PM

Post #2 of 4 (891 views)
Re: [PillsburyDB] Gray Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

For such a mainstream set, you seem to have squeezed a very good life out of it.Angelic

Location: Far, Far Away

Antony Solano
New User

Jan 26, 2010, 1:56 AM

Post #3 of 4 (878 views)
Re: [PillsburyDB] Gray Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello i think i can help you man!

look i'm almost sure i now what is the problem bout i just need 2 make sure.. can you tell me a couple of things regarding your TV.. and yes i can help you fix it and it wont be so expensive. there many places on the web that u can fix your TV so lets get started Ok?

fist thing. when your tv is one does it makes any sound?
second. can you go on menu and it display something on screen?

what model exactly is you tv?

let me know so i can tell you what is it and i can give you some videos of do it your selt and some good websites ok!

hope it works man!

economy sucks so lets fix this!
Oakland all the way!

Antony Solano
New User

Jan 26, 2010, 7:19 PM

Post #4 of 4 (868 views)
Re: [PillsburyDB] Gray Screen [In reply to] Can't Post

yeah... i now what is the problem..

look it can't be the lamp because we have a gray display.

it can't be the color wheel, i was thinking it was the digital boar bout if you cant use the menu for any thing i preatty sure my friend is the DMD Board .

this is the brain of you TV don't worry you can fix it i will give you some links were you can find this product..

you need to take out the dmd and you have to look for it by the part number it's really easy just be careful..

here are some links! hope it helps!!!

any thing you need just reply back !!!

remember you need to take out the part so you can search for the part number..

Oakland all the way!


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