New User
Oct 14, 2010, 1:50 PM
Post #7 of 8
Hi.Darstr. Following your reponse I tried unpluging 7 wire from logic board (This is a small L shaped board that plugs into larger board which has inputs for arial, scart etc.) and digital board( This is a screened board which has input plugs for computer and audio.) I unpluged whilst set was mains off and whilst on red standby but neither would allow me to get va up. I gave up on that one for the time being and decided to remove the Zsus for component fault finding. All diodes fuses and fets tested ok but I then turned to the IPM. Ref LG V6 Trouble shooting. When each 4 TEST Diode value is over 0.4V =OK. Reverse = infinity 1) Gnd+, Sus-out- =.376 2) Sus-out +,Vs - = short 3) ER-DN -,ER-COM + = .493 4). ER-COM - ,ER-UP + =.581 The above polarity was reversed and 1,3,4, tested infinity but 2 was short. I'll try and get a zsus board but in the meantime have you ever stripped down an IPM? Is it worth doing to find the fault?