New User
Apr 23, 2004, 2:05 AM
Post #1 of 1
Hello... Our television started acting funny last night. The picture would shrink down to only a few horizontal lines in the center of the tv and then jump back to full screen. I thought it had something to do with my satellite and when we turned on the tv today, we can't even get a regular picture. Only a few horizontal line. We can change channels and hear the audio, but the picture is messed up. From my searching on this great forum, I've come up with the fact that is must be something wrong with the vertical output circuit or does anyone think that it could be something else? Also, what would be a ballpark figure to have this fixed/replaced? We live in Dallas, TX so, if anyone would like to suggest a repair technician, please do so. Finally, this TV is over 10 years old. Should we just consider getting rid of it? Thanks for any suggestions/comments...