Repair man

Nov 6, 2010, 4:35 PM
Post #3 of 3
Re: [gumpractitioner] LG 37LF65
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Hello Glenn -- Yes these TVs still have the same issues as older TVs. The problem you are having sounds like capacitors changing value in the power supply. If they are not vented or bulged on top, like 'darstr' mentioned in the last response, they can still go bad without any physical signs of damage. Do not keep using the set until you have changed the caps or you may damage more components such as diodes, power transistors etc. I see this every day at the shop (it keeps me in business) where people let it go until the set does not turn on any more then they decide to have it repaired (costly mistake). When caps go bad enough to a point where the set will not turn on they've usually shorted internally at that point and when they short it often takes out the other parts mentioned above. The caps you need to look for will be high value caps (1000 -uf, 3500 uf or sometimes higher) and you have to pay attention to there physical size/dimensions too sometimes as well if they are in a tight spot. One big change with today's sets, as compared to when you worked on them last, is that you need to use exact value of caps because the new power supplies are designed so that the ESR value of the caps play a major role (in older sets you could get away with caps of close value). The caps you need to be concerned with will be in the secondary power supply (caps past the main transformer; opposite end of where the power cord connects). If you are not sure which caps then take a picture of the power supply and email it to me and I'll point them out for you. You can find my email address by clicking on my profile user-name. -- Dan . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you (or anyone reading this post) have any further questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me direct; you can find my email address by clicking on my user-name. Learn Plasma TV Repair _________________ Learn LCD TV Repair