New User
Aug 16, 2018, 9:40 PM
Post #6 of 7
I've checked voltages at the power supply connector. The voltages listed are all there. There are 2 12v pins a 24v pin and 2 3.5v pins. I can see the menu with a flashlight so the T Con board looks fine. I checked the connector going to the LED strips. When I first turn the TV on, I get about 260VDC. It then quickly starts falling and settles at 102VDC. This happens with the LED connector plugged in and, unplugged. Is this the LED driver shutting down because one or more LED's are defective or, could it be a driver problem? It's a real pain to take it all apart to check the LED's. I'd like to rule out everything else first.
(This post was edited by Rockguy on Aug 17, 2018, 2:40 AM)