New User
Sep 1, 2014, 6:33 PM
Post #1 of 3
Hi all, I've bought this TV off gumtree and it seemed fine when I viewed it but when I've got it home I've got a flickering and black screen problem. I've took the back off and looked at the capacitors, they are seem clean with no bulging, although I may not have too the screws off every panel to inspect it all. I did spot what appears to be a failed component, don't know what its called, I've attached a photo. it's a different colour to all the other blue ones, which suggests this may have leaked? The symptoms seem to change every time I turn on the TV 1) The tv sometimes doesn't display anything, total black screen apart from sound. 2) The tv will work perfectly, then 5 minutes later it will go black and flicker 3) The tv will flicker straight away and then after about 5 minutes it will be perfect. Generally after 5-10 mins of turning off and on and changing inputs it sorts itself out and is perfect for hours on end. I'm using a HDMI cable from a Humax HD freeview box into the TV. I've bought a brand new cable so it's not that, and I've tried both HDMI ports, they seem to have the same symptons. Also the TV menu itself appears fuzzy and flickers which I guess is not from the HDMI cable, so it appears the problem doesn't relate to the input source. Any ideas? I'll add some photos and videos to this soon. Thanks Steve