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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Magnavox 51MP392H/17



New User

Jul 16, 2007, 2:07 AM

Post #1 of 3 (1126 views)
Magnavox 51MP392H/17 Can't Post

I've posted on the rear projection forum as well, but we're getting really desperate. It appears that the IC chip for the blue projector has gone bad (we can adjust left/right but not up/down using the manual convergence). We've checked the CRT fluid, it's clear in all 3 guns. At this point, we need some sort of schematic/service manual to locate the IC chip(s) for the convergence. This went out on Thurs. night (7/12/07) at around 2 am, while watching a movie. We can't afford the $300-$500 service call, and while we've searched the back of the set, we can't find any chips that appear burnt/damaged, nor resistors that appear to be damaged. We have been told that the part # is STK392-110 Ic's and that we can replace them with STK394-160e chips, but we can't seem to locate where they are. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
"He's dead Jim, you get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet"


Jul 16, 2007, 5:02 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1116 views)
Re: [Cfgusmer1] Magnavox 51MP392H/17 [In reply to] Can't Post

Questions like this scare the hell out of me, Lets say you don't know what a human liver realy looks like, much less know where it is, do you think youre the best man to do a liver transplant? The Ic's you are looking for are STK392-120 not the STK392-110's And they will be mounted to huge heat sinks on the bord on the left, Next to the CRT's they will be the largest componets in the set. And if all we had to do was look for damage this biz would be a snap. When we say we looked at a componet we mean we used the correct test equiptment to test that componet. I change convergance Ic's all day long and for me it is a snap, And have seen what was a simple repair like youres compleatly destroy a set because they did not know what they were doing, or funner yet have the set come in and we have to "fix" the custmer fouled up work then repair the set. This makes your 300 to 500 est. jump
Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.

New User

Jul 16, 2007, 7:18 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1113 views)
Re: [mikemaiertv] Magnavox 51MP392H/17 [In reply to] Can't Post

I realize that 'amateurs' like myself scare most professionals, but as an 'amateur' I learned (via phone instructions from Gateway & Microsoft) how to rebuild my computer-including swapping out chips on the mother board as well as the mother board itself, adding memory, etc. I now help our IT "professional" at my school who is familiar with Apple computers but not the 'clones'. As for the chip #'s, I got those #'s directly from Magnavox (the only information their tech support would give me - they told me I'd have to get schematics, etc. from a local Magnavox repair service). And I'm sure it's a snap for you, doing it all day long, but I do know how to read a volt/Ohm meter and how to check chips & resistors - but we were also told by other 'professionals' that these particular chips tend to show scortch marks and that they usually will crack resistors around them when they go bad (visual inspection). My husband is versed in electronics as well - we are just having a difficult time locating the chips based on the .jpgs that have been posted. I'd also prefer to have the schematics before working, as unlike most amateurs, I also can read those too. I realize that if we mess it up, we're without an HD TV for some time as we can't afford to replace it, but we also can't afford $300-$500 at this time either. I've found the chips online for prices ranging from $7.50-$15.00, and am trying to find them locally as well - the cost of shipping or fuel will still keep our repair costs well below the $90-$100/hour to have someone come & diagnose the problem & repair it. And the fact is, of the two Magnavox repair shops in our area, the one has only one repairman, and he's in the hospital w/a heart attack. The other is 40+ miles away, and he also gave us the chip #'s. Perhaps we aren't transplant surgeons, but as a former paramedic, I can usually tell when there is liver damage (jaundice being the first thing you look for Smile). I'm not asking anyone here to do the work for us, nor to guarantee that we won't "mess it up" - just for some guidance & perhaps a link to a schematic.
"He's dead Jim, you get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet"


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