
Aug 22, 2014, 2:50 AM
Post #2 of 5
Re: [magic] Magnavox demo Mode
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Cursor up followed by cursor down? OR try: To exit this mode, press [CHANNEL UP/DOWN] button to go to TV mode, or press [POWER] button to turn the power off. Funny thing is to enter this mode you need to modify the remote under the '+10' button. 1. Purity Check Mode This mode cycles through full-screen displays of red, green, blue, and white to check for non-active pixels. 1. Enter the Service mode. 2. Each time the [7] button on the remote control unit is pressed, the display changes as follows. ------------------------- Location: Far, Far Away
(This post was edited by jts1957 on Aug 22, 2014, 3:18 AM)