
Nov 11, 2006, 1:27 AM
Post #1 of 4
Seams to be a lot of questions on the PIP board show will post the bypass and the repair with a little more info, First not all Mitsubishi's have this PIP board, This board is mainly in older (over5 years) First way to test if it is the PIP is if you DO jave OSD ( On Screen Display ) this means the menu still works and you can see the chanel and volume change. Second problem with this board is what will appear to be loss of vertical sync, or the pix rolls and tears Poor color Dim pix With all Mit's we get in here one of the first thing we do is bypass this board and see if the problem inproves.This board causes a lot of problems but it is not the fix all everyone would like to think. This is why you should by-pass first and see if your problem is elsewhere. The by-pass can be done with a pair of paper clips bent to get to the correct pins on the VP board. If this works you shound get a couple of capacitors and do it the right way. And when you by-pass DO NOT put the board back in...... Also do not try to preform the by pass on the board and reinstall it When the board is by-passed ofcourse the PIP will not work Now for the repair remove the caps in yellow highlights and CLEAN the Board with alchol not acitone, make sure to check if you have to place the jumper where it asks for one, most times this trace is still good, simple OHM across the two point and check for 0 ohms, or a dead short, standard electrolitic caps will work in place of the SMD that you removed, and chek the polarity carefuly, with the caps removed the side of the circle with the larger white line is the ( - ) Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.