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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540



Larry Helton
New User

Oct 27, 2010, 12:23 AM

Post #1 of 5 (786 views)
Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540 Can't Post

Hi Guys, Ive been a member for Couple of weeks. I got the above subject TV, and Problem is. From turn on, Picture & Color appear from start. both normal.The Sound appears normal level, and can be turned up or down with Vol.Control. But there is a VERY Loud BUZZ, present which cannot be controled with Vol. Control.There is a Horiz line only 1/16" wide, goes from bottom to top very slowly.Can see some Video in this line.Looked the Board over for Poofed Caps, but did not see any. would appreciate help. Thanks Larry Helton


Oct 27, 2010, 9:04 AM

Post #2 of 5 (777 views)
Re: [Larry Helton] Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540 [In reply to] Can't Post

the black line sounds like a hum bar and can be caused by power supply capacitors open circuit or low value (you can't tell from just looking). You can check values on a capacitor testing meter if you have one or keep changing them till the problem stops. Did the problem suddenly appear one day?


Oct 27, 2010, 4:03 PM

Post #3 of 5 (775 views)
Re: [techchris] Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540 [In reply to] Can't Post

change the filter capacitor the large cap in the power supply

Larry Helton
New User

Oct 30, 2010, 1:55 AM

Post #4 of 5 (764 views)
Re: [techchris] Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540 [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks to Techchris & Shade Tree.on tips for this Sanyo TV.I Pulled the Mains Filter in P.Suply, On my Cap, Analyzer & ESR Meter, it Checked good, but I replaced it anyway. Also checked the other Caps in P.Suply, and they all checked good.So I am at a loss.I saw on another Forum,where one member had a TV, with pretty much same symptom, and the Tech, said that since this Very Loud Buzz, cannot be controled by the Volume control, and it comes directly thru the speakers, that Fault could very well be a deffective part in the Sound output circuit.Do you Guys, if you agree with this, and have Schematic, for the set,which I do not, Mind telling me which part & board #, that I should check. or replace. Thanks very much. Larry H.

Larry Helton
New User

Oct 31, 2010, 12:20 AM

Post #5 of 5 (750 views)
Re: [techchris] Need Help.20"Sanyo TV.Modl.#AVM2054,Ch.#G4Z-20540 [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks to Cris & Shadetree, for help on this subject Sanyo TV. I finally got it under control.and I don't know which thing I did, that repaired it.Even tho, all the Caps in the P.Supply passed the checks with The ESR, Meter and the Cap. Test meter, I went ahead & replaced them.While I was on the board, there were 3 or 4 Solder Joints that looked questionable, so I re-did them. So the Horiz line & the Very Loud Buss is gone. Thanks again Guys.


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