New User
Dec 2, 2005, 6:13 AM
Post #1 of 3
First a little background.......im a poor college student who is in posesscion of a handme down Zenith space command, its from the early 90's to late 80's not sure exactly. Here is my problem, im a comcast subscriber, and when i hook up the cable, my tv stops at channel 41......from there its blank until the mid 50's when it starts back at one. So i found an old Tocom Cable box in my garage, and hooked it up and it worked perfect. However, i unplugged the cable for a bit for another device, and when i hooked it back up(exactly the same way as before) the display on the box will read 04 then change to o4, with only the top "o" visible, or only the top of the 8 if that helps. I dont have the remote for the box either. My question is.......whats going on?? The first time i hooked it up, it set itself by searching for the right channel momentarily(at least i think thats what it was doing) My dad had this tv formerly and he was able to recieve all his channels. Is this possibly a consol problem with my tv.........and why isnt my cable box working correctly. Any advice is GREATLY APPRIECATED!!!! i miss my history channel dearly lol