New User
Jul 12, 2012, 7:27 AM
Post #1 of 5
Olevia 242-S11
Can't Post
everybody heard about recent storms and outages last week. luckily mines kicked out for only a half a minute or so i stayed cool thru the heat wave. when power kicked back on the tv acted funny for a moment showing black inky horizntal streaks in the otherwise ok picture. i flipped around the source inputs and it straightened out and i continued to watch for a week or 9 days now with no further problem or symptom until i powered off earlier today and now she wont come back on. tore down checked fuse...OK checked BRIDGE rectifier per a help discussion on this same model and it seems fine also. thats about the extent of my power supply training so i ordered a new returnable supply. FSP271-4F02 same as the old one. is there any upgrade supply models? i learned on my desktop monitor they made a better supply to replace the old one so let me know now perhaps i can cancel the new order. since i had good video all week dont it sond like i got like lucky and its just the P supply or no? those vide streaks were scary for a minute. thx duude ps . all the caps are swollen BTW. i tried one time to replace caps on a an old 19" LCD ...no luck.
(This post was edited by tvduude on Jul 12, 2012, 7:40 AM)