Nov 21, 2006, 7:22 AM
Post #8 of 14
Re: [rogersk8ter] Oscilloscope Ground Issue
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Roger my advice is get an isolating transformer. I use one that is out of an old TV. If you do this you can connect a loop from the power supply earth to the chassis earth without any problem as to where actual earth is. Your life is worth more than a transformer. OK, You only may be fixing your own. Then why have a CRO. I work alone in my workshop, I have an earth leak trip, I use 2 transformers and yes this is against my own advice, but they are in phase as they are looped in a common config. If you fix for a living, to kill yourself on a job is stupid, add a few buck per job and figure out your method of being safe. We all make mistakes, to allow those to be lethal is to deprive your family of a future with you