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Post deleted by richpart


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Mar 9, 2011, 12:06 AM

Post #26 of 54 (1863 views)
Re: Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie girl.....

I find it interesting that out of my LOOONNNGGG post , ALL you could comment on was the miniscule "Torque" issue...
Nothing else !!!!...Hmmmmm

What a revelating experience that was !!!!

fishingnmachine ;...
I wouldn't get my hands dirty over this JERK....
Might have AIDS or some other dirty disease....

THANKS for your support...Smile....

.....See ya....Ron.M...Cool....
Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 9, 2011, 12:20 AM

Post #27 of 54 (1860 views)
Re: [fishnmachine] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


why don't you come up here and I will knock your last tooth out.

Believe me,you hillbillies have nothing on the cretins you find up here...

You Southern guy's are amateur hour compared to what's up here.

New User

Mar 9, 2011, 12:28 AM

Post #28 of 54 (1855 views)
Re: [Gus67] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

aint never been north of the mason dixon line. dont care too either


Mar 9, 2011, 12:48 AM

Post #29 of 54 (1852 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

What else do you want me to say?

why don't you expand on the topic I just posted about..

what is your thought about that?


Mar 9, 2011, 12:54 AM

Post #30 of 54 (1850 views)
Re:Gussie girl... PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie girl...

I'm going to be polite & civil with you for the last time & because you raise valid questions...

Here goes...

Actually,if those screws have no effect on the lenses,why is their a convergence menu?

There needs to be convergence for the following reasons...
It has to do with the point of origin of the pix on the CRT face & the angle & magnification of the pix as it travels to get to the screen..
The 3 CRTs are set in a row from left to right...
The green CRT is in the center & requires very little convergence due to it's center location...
When the pix from the green CRT goes thru the lens , hits the mirror , lands on the screen , without any adjustments , it is relatively square....
Either the red OR the blue being offset from center require a distorted image on the face of their respective CRTs so that when their pix goes thru the lens , hits the mirror & lands on the screen , you get a square image (Regular analog TVs , NOT the HD)...
The convergence circuits intentionally distort the shape of the pix to compensate for the OPTICS & LOCATION that the pix goes thru to get to the screen....

One would think the Engineers who designed these Projection TV's would have thought that they could bolt each CRT in it's respective spot and it's done and over.

Listen Engineer or Supervisor or whatever you are, you should know that if it were that easy they would have done it....

Why does everybody who changes their fluid without removing the CRT's have to re set the convergence?

Not all CRT coolants have the same optical properties...
Made by different manufacturers the formulas are somewhat different...
Magnavox/Philips had a pollutant somehow get into their coolant & cause the problem you had...
Other manufacturers did NOT...
Mitsubishi is one of them...

If you don't think those lenses move over time and cause the convergence to change..and if you dont think that screw torque does not effect the convergence you have a lot to learn about mechanics and optics.

The lenses do NOT move over time...PERIOD...
They are anchored & seated to the housing with those 4 screws you want a torque tool to tighten with...
When they (the screws) are FULLY tightened the lenses can NOT move...
IF they did , you'd have a coolant leak....
I tried to tell you this before & you refuse to listen OR understand why...
You have Waaaaaaay toooo much to learn about TV repair etc....

Answer your questions ????

...See ya....Ron.M...Cool....
Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 9, 2011, 1:11 AM)


Mar 9, 2011, 1:03 AM

Post #31 of 54 (1847 views)
Post deleted by richpart [In reply to]



Mar 9, 2011, 1:20 AM

Post #32 of 54 (1837 views)
Re:Gussie girl... PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie girl.....

When you say this ;=>....

why don't you come up here and I will knock your last tooth out.

Believe me,you hillbillies have nothing on the cretins you find up here...

You Southern guy's are amateur hour compared to what's up here.

Are you including richpart ????
He's moving back home to Kentucky !!!

What else do you want me to say?
why don't you expand on the topic I just posted about..
what is your thought about that?

IF you are reffering to the "Torque:" issue , that's not only PROVED out , but , as far as I'm concerned , you are beating a dead horse....
Counter with something INTERESTING !!!!

...See ya....Ron.M....Cool...
Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 9, 2011, 1:24 AM

Post #33 of 54 (1832 views)
Re: [richpart] PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


Thank god the really good suff is up front in the beginning where someone can get at it LOL.

Oh , yeah....
Nothing like posting that Projection TV info in the WRONG thread....

...See ya...Ron.M....Cool....
Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 9, 2011, 1:39 AM

Post #34 of 54 (1825 views)
Post deleted by richpart [In reply to]



Mar 9, 2011, 2:45 AM

Post #35 of 54 (1812 views)
Re: [richpart] PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


Your answer to my question makes no sense.Why would the fluid effect the convergence but not the angle of the lens focusing it on the mirror?

Obviously if it's cloudy it would effect the picture, but it would only effect the convergence if there is a foreign object floating around inside it.

Cloudy or not its not going to "bend" the signal from the CRT.It will take it out of focus.

You are clearly over your head on this topic.

By the way,

I am not knocking Southerners,I am knocking Hillbillies.When you write like a back woods woodchuck,expect people to not respect you and say things like that.

Believe me,I am the last to knock Southerners because there is one in my kitchen right now making my dinner.(South Carolina grows some fine woman)

if I know whats best for me, it's to keep her happy.

take my advice on keeping your woman happy...

You should go out right now and get a tire pressure need to keep her properly inflated for maximum pleasure

New User

Mar 9, 2011, 3:04 AM

Post #36 of 54 (1805 views)

yea them suoth carolina women purdy good cooks. also got a ass big enuff ta keep ya feet warm at nite


Mar 9, 2011, 3:05 AM

Post #37 of 54 (1804 views)


CRT coolant is ethylene glycol in a clear form.The stuff is probably made in the same place but bottled under 10 different distributors throughout the world.


Don't you think if the optics and how they effect the picture were not a variable that they would just design the circuits around the way the 3 CRT's are mounted?

Once again,you could just bolt them in and turn your set on and be watching Hogan's hero's in a much faster time frame

You are thinking in one dimension.Forget it's a TV and think of it as manipulating a light to go exactly where you want it to.

You know what...think what you are a fool who cannot comprehend anything other than what he has learned in a TV shop.You have never worked on anything else other than a TV in the 100 years you have been alive.You are what my colleagues call a "One trick Pony"


Mar 9, 2011, 3:06 AM

Post #38 of 54 (1802 views)
Re: [fishnmachine] PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Isn't your Momma from South Carolina?


Mar 9, 2011, 3:24 AM

Post #39 of 54 (1790 views)
Re: Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie Girl.....

I'm all done being nice to you....
For a "Supervisor" you are pretty Friggin stupid when you can not understand my answers to your question....
It's clear to even a blind & deaf rat that all you want to do is ARGUE....
I give you a civil answer & you come back with that garbage inquiry & then to top it off , you throw more insults....
Stick it where the sun don't shine...

<<Gussie girl..

fishnmachine , did YOU understand what I said to Gussie girl ???....

...See ya....Ron.M....Cool....
Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 13, 2011, 6:32 PM)

New User

Mar 9, 2011, 3:33 AM

Post #40 of 54 (1784 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

i don't have time to read all your post because most of them is just to make ppl aware u around,
when i said one ip,it is for people that have a static ip,in that way if they get banned after putting you in your place they might not be able to make a come back,I think you getting paid here and is afraid an other tek will take your work,if that is the case i see where u coming from.i jump in because you think you better than everybody that come here to help.half the topics here u no nothing about them so let others that no say they view even if it is a little


Mar 9, 2011, 3:44 AM

Post #41 of 54 (1778 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


I am not being stupid.I am simply asking you some valid questions.

When a Manufacturer decides on a product (a TV in this case) don't you think that they exhaust EVERY AVENUE POSSIBLE to simply a product to maximize profit,especially on such a huge market item as a television?

Believe me,every screw turn is scrutinized,every detail is checked twice.If these items were not variables in the quality of the picture some more streamlined procedure would have been established.You are truly a fool if you cannot see the point I am getting at here.

All of these avenues have been traveled down by many,many Engineers that had to validate every move in the process of bringing a product to market.

wait...I see a new career for you,yes,you can be a consultant for Tv manufacturers!

I bet Sony,Panasonic, and all the other major consumer product managers are calling your phone right now with offers and incentives to bring a "big brain" like you on board to aid in the design of TV's.


Opportunity is calling...are you going to answer?

You are working so hard at trying to be the "man with the plan to fix your tv" you cant even just walk away from someone like myself who you keep calling "stupid"

If I am so stupid and know nothing,why do you keep arguing with me?


Mar 9, 2011, 4:18 AM

Post #42 of 54 (1772 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Gussie girl.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

you must have spent at least an hour writing that one post from the first page on this thread disecting every post I wrote here in the past year and a half.

don't you have anything else better to do?

I spend 5 min. maximum on this dribble.


Mar 9, 2011, 9:48 PM

Post #43 of 54 (1750 views)

Here we go again !!!!

1st , richpart;....

I said;...

Nothing like posting that Projection TV info in the WRONG thread....

Then you said...

It's generically labeled TV repair and I posted it so certain individuals could take an over all look at Panasonic behaviors.

Since this all started over post #1...
It IS in the wrong thread....
With this alledged knowledge;...

Backround for user richpart: 2 Year Electronics Degree followed by 20 years experience serving the public in the field from everything from advanced medical equipment, consumer electronics, to multi-million dollar industrial machines

You should be able to READ !!!!
The MODEL numbers listed ARE for MOSTLY Projection TVs !!!!

Hopefully that's the end of that....


i don't have time to read all your post

I seriously doubt that you read ANY of my posts....
Maybe one or two....
I have 1608 posts as of this one...
There's NO WAY you can get that consensus IF you took a REASONABLE sample & READ them....
Your comment;...

half the topics here u no nothing about them so let others that no say they view even if it is a little

Is confusing...
Do you mean threads OR products ????
I know nothing about lasers , so I say nothing about them....
I know nothing about DVD players , so I say nothing about them...
I know nothing (Actually , VERY little) about VCRs , so I say nothing about them..

I am NOT getting paid here...
I & everyone else (Except Admin) here is an UNPAID VOLUNTEER...

i jump in because you think you better than everybody that come here to help

You are getting that impression from this thread ONLY & what I say to that nitwit...

nitwit...ooopppss...typo....Gussie girl....

I am simply asking you some valid questions.

You are asking ARGUMENTIVE questions that you KNOW will aggravate because I've answered them already....
In short , you are a "Laser" tech (Doubtfull , VERY doubtfull) & should be familiar with OPTICS....
You are telling me that coolant has NO effect on "bending" the signal from the CRT" (Your words) & I say it DOES....
Next time you come out of your tent in Central Park , go to the pond & stick your head in the water & see the "REFRACTION" WATER does...
That's "bending" ain't it ???
That's the end of that ....

I am not knocking Southerners,I am knocking Hillbillies.

In case you are NOT aware , Hillbillies ARE Southerners !!!!
Ever meet one BORN in Michigan OR your state , New York !!!!

I am the last to knock Southerners because there is one in my kitchen right now making my dinner.(South Carolina grows some fine woman)

DANGER , Will Rogers , DANGER....
He's LYING again....
See the quote above the one above....
Did you "rescue" her from the cotton fields or the tobacco farms ???
Is that why she thinks you are such a genious , a hero ???
MUST be...

I had a bussiness of my own with employees for 20+ years...
I was the owner , operator , & SUPERVISOR etc !!!!
I treated my empolyees far & away BETTER than you do people here...
I have done & AM doing VERY well....Thank you very much...
I do not believe you when you say you are a "Supervisor"...

you must have spent at least an hour writing that one post from the first page on this thread disecting every post I wrote here in the past year and a half.

I did NOT check every post you made...
Just the thread you raised issues on...
It was worth EVERY minute...
I PROVED you WRONG on EVERY point...
You ready to apologise to ME !!!!
You OWE me BIG TIME !!!

man, I have been giggling like a schoolgirl reading this

Finally an admission that you don't have the balls to admit you are/were WRONG !!!

I feel you are jealous because I know TVs & you don't...
Why ARE you here at THIS forum....
Shouldn't you be at Wa6ati or Repairworld ???
Those guys would chew you up & spit you out like yesterdays chawing tobacky...

Have fun IDIOT... I'll be waiting , because I KNOW you ALWAYS want the LAST word...

....See ya...Ron.M....Cool....
Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Apr 16, 2011, 5:59 PM)


Mar 9, 2011, 10:33 PM

Post #44 of 54 (1744 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


you had a business?I seriously doubt it.You lack the leadership and the people skills to successfully run a lemonade stand,not to mention you argue like a 10 year old when you are not the center of the attention.


If you did,I bet you never had a return customer.I also bet it failed financially


I thought we were discussing the projection tv issues?

What happened there?

I posted some questions for you and you are not giving your have chosen to ignore the topic at hand.

What are your views on the reasons they designed the configuration of the crts the way they did instead of just having them in a set fixed position?


If lenses played no role in the adjustment whatsoever why do you have to re-converge after a fluid change?

you blame it on the difference in the clarity of the fluid..I seriously doubt that.

The new fluid is uniformly clear and would have no effect on the re-convergence.

Even if you did a re-convergence before you changed the fluid (leaving the CRT's in their place) your results would not leave you with a set that does not needs re-convergence

Bottom line dirty or clean CRT coolant will not effect the alignment.Removing and re installing the lenses will.

Prove me wrong...


Mar 9, 2011, 10:58 PM

Post #45 of 54 (1740 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


please re read all of my posts,then number and list everyone where I am wrong.I will spend the time and go through them one by one.


Why would I care if you know more than myself about TV's?

Where is the glory of being a TV repairman?I strictly come baclk here for you and your wild antics.There are other places for information on TV repair on the Internet.

You know,If you were a successful businessman,why have you not started your own forum on TV repair?

You could then kick my a** off and everyone else you disagree with..and from the looks of it,that is most of the people here.

I will tell you why you haven't done so ,

cause you are a loser..plain and simple.


Mar 9, 2011, 11:33 PM

Post #46 of 54 (1736 views)
Re: [Gus67] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


one other thing,

the comment about the cotton fields and the tobacco farm.

Are you a racist?

a while back I let that comment about Asians slide...but this?

How do you know I AM NOT BLACK?


Screw you pal.


Mar 10, 2011, 3:58 AM

Post #47 of 54 (1725 views)
Re: [Gus67] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

Just what I soon as someone calls him what he really is, he disappears.

I don't know about anybody else her but I think that comment is bull**it

How can you not extract racism out of that?

But he seems to have "cart blanch" when it comes to insulting people on this site.

No one does anything about it


Mar 10, 2011, 5:02 AM

Post #48 of 54 (1719 views)
Re: [Gus67] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post

ussie girl.....

I find it interesting that out of my LOOONNNGGG post , ALL you could comment on was the miniscule "Torque" issue...
Nothing else !!!!...Hmmmmm

What a revelating experience that was !!!!

fishingnmachine ;...
I wouldn't get my hands dirty over this JERK....
Might have AIDS or some other dirty disease....

You also like to make fun of individuals with a Disease?

I bet it would not be so funny if you had that's not so funny to watch your cousin die of it either.

The more I read this,the angrier I get at your ignorance.

How about Cancer? got any comments on that?

If you thought you had troubles with me before...wait.

Where are your smart comments now?I have been checking in hourly waiting for your wit and intelligence to grace my presence

New User

Mar 10, 2011, 6:20 AM

Post #49 of 54 (1785 views)
Re: [Gus67] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post



Mar 10, 2011, 1:48 PM

Post #50 of 54 (1771 views)
Re: [fishnmachine] Re:.. PANASONIC PROJECTION INFORMATION [In reply to] Can't Post


do you have a brain of your own or do you rely on others to lead the way for you and you just ride their coat tails?

I bet you are "that guy" who gets in a barfight that makes the suckerpunch while your buddies do the dirtywork,then brags about "kicking a** later that night.

I know your type...Up here we call your type "little girls"

What do they call then down south?

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