Here we go again !!!!
1st , richpart;....
I said;...
Nothing like posting that Projection TV info in the WRONG thread....
Then you said...
It's generically labeled TV repair and I posted it so certain individuals could take an over all look at Panasonic behaviors.
Since this all started over post #1...
It IS in the wrong thread....
With this alledged knowledge;...
Backround for user richpart: 2 Year Electronics Degree followed by 20 years experience serving the public in the field from everything from advanced medical equipment, consumer electronics, to multi-million dollar industrial machines
You should be able to READ !!!!
The MODEL numbers listed ARE for MOSTLY Projection TVs !!!!
Hopefully that's the end of that....
i don't have time to read all your post
I seriously doubt that you read ANY of my posts....
Maybe one or two....
I have 1608 posts as of this one...
There's NO WAY you can get that consensus IF you took a REASONABLE sample & READ them....
Your comment;...
half the topics here u no nothing about them so let others that no say they view even if it is a little
Is confusing...
Do you mean threads OR products ????
I know nothing about lasers , so I say nothing about them....
I know nothing about DVD players , so I say nothing about them...
I know nothing (Actually , VERY little) about VCRs , so I say nothing about them..
I am NOT getting paid here...
I & everyone else (Except Admin) here is an UNPAID VOLUNTEER...
i jump in because you think you better than everybody that come here to help
You are getting that impression from this thread ONLY & what I say to that nitwit...
nitwit...ooopppss...typo....Gussie girl....
I am simply asking you some valid questions.
You are asking ARGUMENTIVE questions that you KNOW will aggravate because I've answered them already....
In short , you are a "Laser" tech (Doubtfull , VERY doubtfull) & should be familiar with OPTICS....
You are telling me that coolant has NO effect on "bending" the signal from the CRT" (Your words) & I say it DOES....
Next time you come out of your tent in Central Park , go to the pond & stick your head in the water & see the "REFRACTION" WATER does...
That's "bending" ain't it ???
That's the end of that ....
I am not knocking Southerners,I am knocking Hillbillies.
In case you are NOT aware , Hillbillies ARE Southerners !!!!
Ever meet one BORN in Michigan OR your state , New York !!!!
I am the last to knock Southerners because there is one in my kitchen right now making my dinner.(South Carolina grows some fine woman)
DANGER , Will Rogers , DANGER....
He's LYING again....
See the quote above the one above....
Did you "rescue" her from the cotton fields or the tobacco farms ???
Is that why she thinks you are such a genious , a hero ???
MUST be...
I had a bussiness of my own with employees for 20+ years...
I was the owner , operator , & SUPERVISOR etc !!!!
I treated my empolyees far & away BETTER than you do people here...
I have done & AM doing VERY well....Thank you very much...
I do not believe you when you say you are a "Supervisor"...
you must have spent at least an hour writing that one post from the first page on this thread disecting every post I wrote here in the past year and a half.
I did NOT check every post you made...
Just the thread you raised issues on...
It was worth EVERY minute...
I PROVED you WRONG on EVERY point...
You ready to apologise to ME !!!!
You OWE me BIG TIME !!!
man, I have been giggling like a schoolgirl reading this
Finally an admission that you don't have the balls to admit you are/were WRONG !!!
I feel you are jealous because I know TVs & you don't...
Why ARE you here at THIS forum....
Shouldn't you be at Wa6ati or Repairworld ???
Those guys would chew you up & spit you out like yesterdays chawing tobacky...
Have fun IDIOT... I'll be waiting , because I KNOW you ALWAYS want the LAST word...
....See ya...Ron.M....
Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Apr 16, 2011, 5:59 PM)